We often read articles about how certain shoes, whether they are heels, flats or even sneakers can be damaging to your feet. However, these articles are often not scientifically proven.
It is important to emphasize that not everything you read on the Internet is true. If you believe everything you read, then you will not be wearing any sneakers again because these have been said in stories to be bad for your feet, nor will you wear flat shoes ever again because – for example – to quote a story in the Irish Examiner : “did you know that wearing flat shoes can actually damage your feet?” And so it goes on. Not much is ever really proved, although it all sounds pseudo-scientific.
Moreover, when certain people do not immediately perceive the claimed benefits (e.g. “This pair of elevator shoes that is supposed to make you feel better and more confident”) through their new shoes, they immediately scold the product. They claim it doesn’t work for anyone. This is because people tend to describe the problems they have experienced as facts.

There is one very simple point we can make about shoes in general: namely, that you should not wear a pair of shoes or boots for 24 hours at a row. Wearing them constantly will logically make you uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean that the shoes will ruin your feet. Putting your legs up, doing stretching exercises, wearing different shoes; all of these helps to keep your feet and legs healthy. It has less to do with the type of shoes you wear and more with taking a break and making sure you keep a variety.
Therefore, forget about these headlines and focus only on one thing: do not do anything extreme without taking a break in between.
Most people are able to wear elevated shoes much longer in one go than lifts (standard elevated insoles). However, if you go for the maximum GuidoMaggi height (12.5 – 15 cm) then you need to schedule occasional breaks. Being on your feet all day, and that even in a pair of shoes with +13 cm elevation, is possible but exhausting.
Get used to your GuidoMaggi Elevator Shoes
This brings us to the most important point: breaking in the shoes. Even if you’ve worn elevated soles in your shoes for years, you need a plan to get used to the benefits of your new elevator shoes.
The process is really simple!
You take them out of the box and, after giving the shoes the first polish, you do a short walking test: First 15-20 minutes at home, just to get used to the different perception. You will definitely feel much taller: the handle of the entrance door is lower and the top of the refrigerator, which is now visible to you, does look a bit different from the new height.
The next step is to go for a short walk, a little longer this time, about 45 min. The reason for this timing is that you don’t want to push yourself to walk much longer at one time. Otherwise, you risk feeling terrible at the end and wanting to stop immediately. These elevated shoes are special and you need to get used to them. Therefore, repeat the short walk two or three times and after that you will definitely be ready to wear the shoes a little longer. How difficult it is to break in the shoe also depends on the elevation you have chosen. So, of course, a pair of GuidoMaggi elevator shoes with “only” + 8cm will be a lot easier to handle.